商品編號 : K6070584A
Kenzo Kids has designed a ceremony cap sule to celebrate the Chinese New Year, around the snake, the 2025 chinese zodiac sign. The snake, arranged around colourful elements, is illustrated in both all-over and placed graphics. Varying techniques, such as woven labels, 3D print or foil effect, and f igurative embroideries carefully reinterpre ted with lurex thread. For this New Lunar Year, the snake is both enigmatic and playful, adopting a «cartoon» style for a wardrobe that’s resolutely colour ful, playful and vibrant: ideal for Chinese New Year celebrations ! Happy New Year of the snake!
奢華品牌 KENZO KIDS 的男童紅色拉鍊運動上衣。作為農曆新年膠囊系列的一部分,這款上衣有引人注目的中國風蛇紋刺繡和標誌。採用舒適的針織布製成,內裡採用柔軟的磨毛材質,有海軍藍色和白色飾邊,前方還有實用的口袋。
材質 : 100% 聚酯(柔軟針織布)
生產地區 : 進口
洗滌方式 : 機洗 (30*C)